Monday, July 27, 2020

Priest is fired for commenting on George Floyd

The NY Times reports:
After a contentious divorce in 2001, Mr. Den Hollander began using the court system to address his grievances, suing nightclubs for advertising ladies’ nights discounts and Columbia University for having a women’s studies program. When he lost in court, as he almost always did, ...
Okay, he sounds nutty, but we have a Jewish woman on the US supreme court who made her reputation with similar lawsuits.

Boston news:
[Editor’s Note: Below is the text of an email message that Father Daniel Moloney, the Catholic chaplain at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sent to Catholics at the university (a group known as the Tech Catholic Community, or TCC) on Sunday, June 7, 2020. Two days later, the Archdiocese of Boston forced him to resign because of it.]

My brothers and sisters in Christ,

It pains me not to be able to preach at a time like this. The Gospel says one thing, and everyone else is saying partial truths, at most. George Floyd was killed by a police officer, and shouldn’t have been. He had not lived a virtuous life. He was convicted of several crimes, including armed robbery, which he seems to have committed to feed his drug habit. And he was high on drugs at the time of his arrest. But we do not kill such people. He committed sins, but we root for sinners to change their lives and convert to the Gospel. Catholics want all life protected from conception until natural death. The police officer who knelt on his neck until he died acted wrongly. I do not know what he was thinking. The charges filed against him allege dangerous negligence, but say nothing about his state of mind. He might have killed George Floyd intentionally, or not. He hasn’t told us. But he showed disregard for his life, and we cannot accept that in our law enforcement officers. It is right that he has been arrested and will be prosecuted.

In the wake of George Floyd’s death, most people in the country have framed this as an act of racism. I don’t think we know that.
Maybe he should have been fired, because he accuses the police of crimes that they did not commit. Floyd died of heart disease, COVID-19, and a fentanyl overdose. The autopsy showed no evidence of injury to the neck.

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