Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamala Harris CNN Interview

I watched the CNN interview of Kamala Harris and Walz. Part 1 is here.

They may be the lowest IQ candidates every. She could not explain what she wants to do as President. She could not give a straight answer to a question. She could not explain her flip-flops.

She kept saying that her values had not changed, but she cannot explain those values.

Her biggest problem is that she cannot decide whether to run on the Biden record, or to be a candidate of change.

I think that her performance was worse that Biden's in his June Trump dedate. Biden at least seemed like a real person, but a little senile. Harris seems like someone who has never had anything substantive to say about anything.


MikeAdamson said...

She didn't mention sharks or batteries even once!

CFT said...

Kamala has one little problem. Her own record.
She has to pretend she had no part to play in Biden's senile administration in order to look clean, yet she is compelled to brag about her non existent ability to solve problems... This isn't going to go well.

You can't run away from your own past without throwing away yourself.