Friday, August 16, 2024

Womens Gold Medals won by a Man

Caster Semenya has gold medals in the 800m race from the 2012 and 2016 Olympics. There have long been doubts that she was a woman.

Now it is know that he has XY genes of a man, male testes, and testosterone levels typical of a man. He does not have fallopian tubes and does not menstruate. He is sometimes called intersex, but male is more accurate.

He is married to a woman, and they have two kids together.

He got one gold medal because the race winner was disqualified for doping, but he cheated just as much.

I think the Olympics should abolish the women's events.

In the current Paris Olympics, two male boxers won womens gold medals. My guess is that Olympic boxing will be abolished, rather than fairly address these issues.

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