Thursday, August 15, 2024

Watergate was a deep state coup

Richard M. Nixon was a reasonably popular President, and was driven out of office based on various Watergate allegations. His VP was also removed.

New Tucker Carlson interview:

Former Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard has uncovered new evidence that Watergate was a deep state coup, and they are using the same playbook on Trump.
Somehow everyone was convinced that Nixon committed crimes. But what are those crimes? Try asking. No one can tell you.

People say abuse of power. Obstruction of justice. The cover-up was worse than the crime. What did he know and when did he know it.

We now know that Nixon knew nothing about the break-in, until afterwards. The accounts given by Dean, Woodward, and Bernstein were wildly inaccurate.

Impeaching Nixon was like impeaching President Andrew Johnson. A witch-hunt against what everyone today says was legal.

Shepard says the only real Watergate criminals were John Dean and G. Gordon Liddy.

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