Friday, August 02, 2024

Max Boot is a Foreign Agent

Max Boot is a prominent Russian Jew, American immigrant, neo-conservative columnist, warmonger, and Trump-hater. He has spent 20 years accusing Trump and others of being agents of foreign powers, for not going along with his war plans.

Now it turns out that he himself is a foreign agent:

Max Boot's spouse is Sue Mi Terry. On July 16, 2024, Terry was indicted and arrested for allegedly acting as an unregistered foreign agent of the South Korean government.[9][10] Boot co-authored an opinion piece with Terry for the Washington Post in 2023. According to prosecutors, the article was written at the behest of South Korean officials and used information they provided without disclosing the involvement of the Korean government.[11]
Politico reports:
As allegations of foreign meddling roiled the Donald Trump presidency, Washington Post columnist Max Boot blasted the 45th president as a Russian stooge — and urged the feds to get tough.

“Washington should ramp up enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and expand U.S. counterintelligence efforts against foreign influence, not just espionage,” Boot wrote in a 2019 column. The government, he said, should “change its focus from encouraging compliance to punishing noncompliant parties.”

Five years later, he might want to rethink that one.

In a delicious story twist that has lit up pro-Trump media, Boot’s wife and occasional co-author, the former CIA analyst and longtime Asia policy expert Sue Mi Terry, has herself now been charged with two felony counts of serving as an unregistered agent for a foreign power.

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