Sunday, August 18, 2024

Nonbinary Runner Competes against Women

Nikki Hiltz of Santa Cruz USA did well in the recent Olympics as a woman, and came close to getting a medal. But is she really a woman?

From Self:

On March 31, 2021 — the International Transgender Day of Visibility — Hiltz took to Instagram to reveal some personal news “Hi I’m Nikki and I’m transgender. That means I don’t identify with the gender I was assigned at birth. The word I use currently to describe my gender is non-binary. The best way I can explain my gender is as fluid. Sometimes I wake up feeling like a powerful queen and other days I wake up feeling as if I’m just a guy being a dude, and other times I identify outside of the gender binary entirely. It’s complicated and complex and something I’m still trying to navigate myself, but I’ve decided it’s time to share my gender fluidity with you all.”
Maybe someday we will have nonbinary sporting events. I am a little puzzled as to why she wants to be in womens events, if she does not identify as a woman.

As far as human biology goes, I do not think that there is any such thing as nonbinary. Not even other mammals can be nonbinary or intersex. All mammals are either male or female.

AP reports:

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again decried two gold medalist Olympic athletes, falsely labeling the female boxers as men.
The press is gaslighting you. The boxers are men. They are genetic and hormonal males with XY chromosomes and testes. They do not menstruate.
Despite being born and raised as women, Khelif and Lin found themselves in the crosshairs of Western debates about gender, sex and sports after failing the unspecified and untransparent eligibility tests for women’s competition from the now-banned International Boxing Association.
Here are some crazy contortions. No, they were not born as women. They were born as babies, and eventually went thru ordinary male puberty where they got much bigger and stronger.

And they banned the boxing organization that did the sex test!


CFT said...

If a person is so confused that they have to constantly debate what a man or a woman is, and what that entails, then they are too confused to be setting policy, and should probably be kept away from children.

Goofy ideology can never trump basic biology.

Anonymous said...

Their testicles don’t make them any less of a woman.😏