Wednesday, August 07, 2024

England Rioting over Rwandan Killer

CNN reports:
Far-right demonstrations turned violent for a second night across England Wednesday, in the wake of this week’s mass stabbing in Southport – the worst attack on children in the country in recent history.

While a community continues to grieve the murder of three young girls, far-right agitators have mobilized around online misinformation and hateful, anti-migrant and anti-Muslim narratives – fueling disorder in London, Manchester and the northeastern town of Hartlepool. ...

“White nationalists will seize on any opportunity to spread misinformation about Muslims, about anyone who’s not White. So they were immediately on it – and were happy to spread basically whatever would confirm their presuppositions about who had done it,” he said.

All the articles say that the riots were driven by misinformation, but that is not true. As you can see in the Wikipedia story on the 2024 Southport stabbing:
Axel Rudakubana, a 17-year-old British citizen born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda, was arrested at the scene, and has been charged with three counts of murder, ten counts of attempted murder, and possession of a bladed article.
Some social media got the name wrong, but that was the fault of the English government for withholding the name.
Like what was being shared on X and other platforms, the Telegram group “Southport Wake Up,” also posted false information about the alleged suspect.
Do not trust anyone who calls the perp an "alleged suspect". He is an African arrested on the scene. He is definitely the suspect, and almost certainly a murderer. The governments seems more interested in blocking supposed hate speech, than protecting its citizens from African killers.

I have trouble following British politics. For the last ten years, they have been electing Conservative leaders. They voted for Brexit, apparently because they wanted England to be English, and to stop the foreign invaders. Then they installed a Paki Prime Minister, and he pushed open borders. The voters got fed up with the betrayals, and voted him out of office.

Now the Conservative are out, and the new Prime Minister has a name that sounds like the Nazi paper Der Stürmer. His government is threatening to jail those who complain about foreign migrants:

Anyone who stokes this violence, whether on the internet or in person, can be prosecuted and face prison.
I am afraid Britain is becoming a Third World country. At least some people are resisting the changes.


MikeAdamson said...

The suspect is a Briton, born in Cardiff, unless you are referring to ethnicity, which the quoted article was not.

CFT said...

Both his parents were from Rwanda, so culturally, given the present negative outlook on cultural assimulation in the UK for the last several decades, I'm going to say he probably had more in common with where his parents came from than where he was born. Culturally alienated young people are often a problem.

My father (Hungarian) and stepmother (Korean) are both immigrants, and I have to say first hand that my siblings raised by them are culturally different and were often alienated from their peers because of this.

Anonymous said...

Do not be taken in by the 'Far Right' label given to the protestors. This epithet is now given to any one who does not believe in the "State knows best and will provide all mantra " of the left.
Rather ,most of them are young ,disenchanted men who can see no opportunities to make a reasonable living, as all the industry which employed their fathers and grandfathers has disappeared. They can see no real future for themselves and there is no sign of any government willing to kickstart any improvements.
Matters are made much worse by having hordes of foreign invaders landing daily and receiving what appears to be preferential treatment ,added to which , they all appear to be of the Islamic faith and make no effort to accept the British way of life .
This problem has been clearly evident for some time but the governments of both parties have chosen to ignore it.
Well now the government will have to act and I fear will make matters worse by tackling only half of the problem.