Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Harris says a Losing Football Team can be Undefeated

Democrats are nominating the dopiest candidate ever.


A group of young Pennsylvania football players was left scratching their heads after receiving a pep talk from Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

On Sunday, Harris spoke to aspiring players at Aliquippa Junior/Senior High School.

Harris told the young hopefuls they can “be undefeated” even when they “don’t win every game.”

“It’s not easy being a role model,” Harris told the youngsters.

“Welcome to the role model club,” she said, noting that the player’s families and communities were watching them to see how they act.

“And, by doing that, and all that that requires, which is the hard work, the practice, working as a team, knowing that you will be undefeated even if you don’t win every game, but no circumstance or event or moment will defeat your spirit and your fight, and your preparedness to win and excel, that nothing will dampen your spirit of excellence,” she said.

“That’s what I’m counting on from each of you.

“And, that’s what makes our nation strong.”

Wow! What makes are nation strong is that high school football players will not let losses dampen their spirit of excellence? They can still claim to be undefeated?

This is so stupid.

I guess I should expect this from a DEI candidate so firmly opposed to a meritocracy. She probably thinks it is inequitable that some teams win football games.

She just got an endorsement:

CNN — Retired federal appeals court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative legal scholar put on the bench by President George H.W. Bush, is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump, whose candidacy he describes as an existential threat to American democracy.
His statement uses the word "democracy" 26 times, but never really explains himself.

Harris is anti-democracy in two big ways: (1) She stands for prosecuting her political enemies; and (2) Her nomination was against the wishes of everyone who voted in the primary elections.

After a month of stonewalling the press, Harris has finally answered one question. Her answer is nonsense.

Here is a DNC speaker saying the election winner could weaponize the US DoJ to go after enemies! It has already happened.

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