Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kamala Harris Aligns with Central Park 5

Kamala Harris made her reputation as a prosecutor, and somehow managed to be hated by both sides of the big criminal justice issues. Her biggest single issue was probably her dogged effort to jail parents for truancy.

Now she is aligning herself with some famous criminals:

[NY Times] Yusef Salaam, a city councilman from Harlem, was one of five Black and Latino men exonerated in the rape and assault of a white female jogger in Central Park in 1989. Former President Donald J. Trump, who is white, took out full-page advertisements in four newspapers, including The New York Times, calling for the death penalty to be reinstated because of the case.

Now Mr. Salaam is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday evening,

That was the Central Park jogger case. The five confessed and were convicted, but later collected $41 million when someone else confessed more convincingly.

Funny how the NY Times has to remind us that Trump is White.

I don't think "exonerated" is the right word here. See Ann Coulter's 2014 opinion. The five almost certainly committed some bad crimes.

Here is a 2018 NY Times article accusing Harris of helping to frame a Black man for murder, and refusing a DNA test. That man could be guilty also, I don't know.

Update: Here are the perps speaking at the convention.

Update: The Central Park 5 may not have been guilty of rape, but there is a lot of evidence that they assisted in the rape and committed other crimes that evening. See this fact-check.


CFT said...

My question for the entire democrat party is: Why didn't Kamala say what she would actually do differently than Biden, unless of course she thinks that the last four years have been some kind of success. The woman clearly has no plan, no clue, and no idea what to do. Why she wants to pretend to be a president when she clearly isn't going to be the one driving the car is a mystery to me.

Roger said...

The current Harris campaign plan is to say that she has a message of joy, and avoid talking to the press.