Sunday, August 11, 2024

Whites Need Not Apply

Bloomberg reports:
The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires companies with 100 or more employees to report their workforce demographics every year. Bloomberg obtained 2020 and 2021 data for 88 S&P 100 companies and calculated overall US job growth at those firms.

In total, they increased their US workforces by 323,094 people in 2021, ...

In 2021, Hispanic, Asian and Black people made up a vast majority of the added workers ...

The biggest shifts happened in less-senior job categories. White people held fewer of those roles in 2021 than they did in 2020, whereas thousands of people of color were added to the ranks.

But the trend continued up the job ladder in top, high-paid jobs, too: Companies increased their racial diversity among executives, managers and professionals.

So apparently all our big companies have become anti-White, and discriminated against Whites in employment.

There are federal laws against racial discrimination in hiring, and the US EEOC is supposed to enforced those laws. But it has collected evidence on the top 100 companies, found they are all violating the law, and has done nothing.

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