Tuesday, August 13, 2024

White Privilege means Making Better Decisions

What is White privilege? Some say higher IQ, greater beauty, more remote history of slavery, or unburdened by what has been. This research says no, it is all making better decisions!


New study reveals that people who make good decisions have an unfair advantage

And it turns out that good decision-making and its fruits is not merely a matter of luck, but strongly tied to white privilege.

The science is finally settled on this one: people who consistently make good decisions enjoy an undeniable and unfair advantage in life.

While perhaps intuitively obvious, the findings actually have profound implications for our understanding of success, inequality, and human potential.

Conducted by a team of researchers at Oberlin, the paper tracked the decision-making processes and outcomes of 15 participants over a span of three years, and will be published in August. Participants, ranging from various socio-economic backgrounds, were repeatedly interviewed about real-life scenarios where they had to make significant choices — career moves, financial investments, personal relationships — as well as their ability to remain calm under pressure.

I cannot tell whether this is a joke.

1 comment:

CFT said...

This article you reference is almost akin to saying that people who make good decisions are guilty of making stupid people's poor life decisions look bad.

Oh no, the horror. Whatever shall we do?

'Out out damned white spot!'
- with apologies to Edward de Vere (aka Shakespeare)