Thursday, August 08, 2024

Transgenderism is Increasing Exponentially

Since I have cited the Cass Review, I was curious about SciAm denouncing it:
Amid campaigns to roll back legal protections and health care provision for trans people in 2020, the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) launched the Cass Review of publicly funded gender services for children in England. Led by retired pediatrician Hilary Cass, the review examined existing research on trans health care interventions for people under age 18, consulted with stakeholders and made recommendations for NHS England services.

The final Cass Review report was released in April. It expresses concern about the number of young trans people presenting at doctors’ offices for treatment and argues there is “remarkably weak evidence” for the benefits of gender-affirming medical interventions. It recommends, for instance, that puberty blockers—medications given to delay puberty—be provided only within a clinical trial. For younger children not yet facing puberty, it raises warnings about social transition—that is, nonmedical decisions kids may make for themselves such as changing their name, wearing different clothes or choosing to be referred to by a different pronoun.

While the Cass Review has been presented by the U.K. media, politicians and some prominent doctors as a triumph of objective inquiry, its most controversial recommendations are based on prejudice rather than evidence.

SciAm's main complaint is that the Cass Review says that transgenderism has increased expontially, whereas the available data show no such increase in Israel, Scotland, and Belgium.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Bill Maher commented that transgenderism is a rather odd duck. It only seems to exist and spread in highly liberal enclaves where it is fertilized with high concentrations of woke bullshit. This phenomena is called a mass psychosis, because it has none of the tenets of any kind of biological condition, and appears only where certain disturbed ideological persuasions hold sway.