Monday, September 02, 2024

Dystopian Future with Cannibalism and Forced Breeding

The College Fix reports:
Two professors discussed dismantling capitalism and electing a female president to restore reproductive rights, and warned of a dystopian future with “cannibalism” and “forced breeding camps,” at an event held Wednesday at Arizona State University. ...

Professor Lober opened the one-hour moderated discussion by stating she “got into this space because the United States hates women and everything the female body does.”

Irish, when asked about her concerns for the future of abortion laws, said she fears the possibility of “forced breeding camps” and “cannibalism” driven by a lack of resources.

“So much of our reality points toward those futures,” Irish said.

Lober added: “The balance between hope and despair is an everyday experience for me.”

This is what girls learn in college today, I guess.

1 comment:

CFT said...

I wonder why neurotic academic women who hate men are so terrified of having children to the point where they think unfettered infanticide is actually a good thing. It is a tragedy how little these women often know about the history of women in the western world, Camille Paglia has often spoken of this horrifying gap in knowledge which leads to such cognitive dissonance.

Even Margaret Atwood (the author who wrote A Handmaid's Tale) isn't this ignorant or cuckoo, and has on numerous occasions shown surprised dismay at angry young third wave feminist women who seem to think they are tragic heroines in her dystopian novels.