Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did Kamala Harris Define Herself?

Everyone knows who Donald Trump is, and what he would do. He was President before, and we had four years of peace and prosperity.

But what does Harris stand for?

I watched the debate, and I still do not know. Yes, she is for unrestricted abortions, and she wants to continue prosecuting Trump. But is she going to continue Biden policies, or make some changes? Unclear.

The debate started with Harris being asked about whether we are better or worse off than four years ago, and she dodged the question. Trump said we were worse off, of course.

Update: Here is Harris's post-debate tweet this morning:

Let's remember Charlottesville — a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing anti-semitic hate and what did Trump say? “There were fine people on each side.”

It's time to turn the page, stand for our democracy, and to end the chaos.

Really? That is what she is going with? Everyone knows that is a lie. She also brought up other lies from decades ago.

She is the most anti-democracy candidate ever. She got the nomination by forcing Pres. Biden out with a back-room power play. She is an ex-prosecutor who stands for prosecuting her political rival on bogus charges. She fights attempts for more fair and honest elections.

She had no answer for causing the Ukraine war. Her only answer for the Afghanistan debacle was to blame Trump for negotiating with the enemy. Her only excuse for supporting the Gaza war was that he favors a two-state solution, something that everyone agrees is unworkable.

The real chaos is the millions of foreigners who are flooding in. Her allies are saying that the Haitians in Ohio are not really eating pets, They may or may not be practicing voodoo. Regardless, they are making America worse.

Here is a list of Harris debate lies.

Update: The consensus seems to be that Harris won the debate by ignoring all the questions, and giving canned responses. The moderators made this easy by not challenging her on any point. Trump appeared reactive and non-presidential by trying to address questions that he could have ignored.

1 comment:

CFT said...

It's easy to hide your incompetence when you are hiding behind someone else with at least some ability, much like Kathleen Kennedy did with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. When you are the person at the very top there are no more figleafs to obscure your ineptitude. This is why Joe Biden failed so miserably as a commander in chief, after a very long political life of following others, he had no one left to hide behind when he was the guy in charge.

Kamala Harris isn't capable of leading either. The best she has done so far is hysterical word salad and slowly emoting slogans with a strong quiver in her voice as if she was actually saying something momentous while peppering in marxist terminolgy. If someone would like to challenge this observation, be my guest and please provide an example where the woman appears clear spoken and seems to know what the hell she is talking about.

A vapid slogan is no substitute for vision.

"I love venn diagrams!"
- Kamala Harris (while probably high as a kite)

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,”
- Kamala Harris (serving chopped salad)