Monday, September 23, 2024

Fact-checkers Confirm Dogs, Cervix, Picture Book

The argument about Ohio Haitians eating pets goes back to March:
“Our traditions, laws, and culture is 180 degrees different than what [the Haitains] are used to,” Sanders explains, adding: “[O]ne of the things that I heard that bothered me very much, and I’ve actually had quite a few people contact me here lately, is some pretty horrid things occurring to domesticated animals in the neighborhood.”

City Manager Heck apparently begins shaking his head off camera, with Sanders challenging him on his dismissive attitude.

“No, no, no… We’ve heard the same thing,” Heck admits, but he insists he “hasn’t seen the proof.”

“People that have confided in me have asked for anonymity; I can’t give their names up,” Sanders responds.

“I mean, we haven’t seen the proof,” Heck reiterates, but again acknowledges: “I’ve heard about it, too.”

It is true that Haitian traditions, laws, and culture are very much different.

Here is another dubious fact-check:

Did the Canadian Cancer Society "apologize" for using the word "cervix" instead of "front hole"? No, that's not true: The organization added a note to one of the articles published on its website explaining a rationale for the Society's current stand on the matter. The disclaimer did not contain any explicit wording indicating that the purpose of the note was to apologize.
It looks like an apology to me. It admits that some trans activists prefer front hole to cervix.

Here is another one:

As of late September 2023, the Berlin government was "offering children a pro-prostitution picture book" to teach them about sex work.
Snopes rates this as partially true.

In each case, the story may have been exaggerated somewhat to make a point. I favor being factual, so it is good to have fact-checkers to recite the precise story.

Update: NY Post reports that no one cares about this supposed RFKjr scandal, or the stories about him eating a dog, or leaving a dead bear in NY Central Park. I think that there is worse stuff known about him anyway.

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