Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Harris to Tax Unrealized Gains

Yahoo reports:
Earlier this month, Harris revealed plans to implement a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with a net worth exceeding $100 million. At the time, Cuban appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” saying that Harris has no plans to tax unrealized gains.

“I'm not going to speak for the vice president, she makes the final decision,” he stated, adding, “I'm talking to these folks three, four times a week, having back-and-forth conversations, and their verbatim words to me is, ‘That's not where we want to go.'”

So she wants to tax unrealized gains, but the campaign staff does not want to talk about it.

I have never seen a candidate to unable and unwilling to answer the simplest questions about where she stands or what she will do. All she does is make up goofy stories about how she owns guns or once worked at MacDonalds or played an instrument in a Canadian high school marching band.

She is half Jamaican and half Hindu, but does she eat dogs? Probably not, but who is she?

It is increasingly clear that Pres. Biden is not in charge at the White House. Some sort of Deep State cabal is calling the shots. The President has become superfluous. They are happy to have him replaced by an incompetent woman, because she will be easily controlled. If they tell her to approve firing NATO missiles into Russia, she will affirm.

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