Thursday, September 05, 2024

Mother Jones Complains about Twitter Racism

I mentioned possible censorship of Elon Musk on X-Twitter, so I post a new Mother Jones complaint:
Elon Musk Is Spreading Centuries-Old Racist Pseudo-Science

0:00 I need you to see this Elon Musk is 0:01 spreading a very specific kind of racism 0:04 on the internet right now. ...

they can look at the chart and 1:49 there's a line you know there's a line 1:50 that says black Americans and says iq70 1:53 white Americans IQ 101 and people go 1:56 well that's it then this is the most 1:58 basic statistical error of the book you 2:00 know this a correlation doesn't equal 2:01 causation ...

2:27 so I think there's a couple of ways to 2:30 think about it one is this concept of 2:34 race fundamentally doesn't have a basis 2:38 in biology so you know as I mentioned 2:40 like the model. The evolutionary model 2:42 that we have of genetic diversity is 2:44 completely different from the sort of 2:46 social model that we have of distinct 2:49 isolated racial groups and so whenever 2:52 we start talking about racial 2:54 differences that is already a flawed 2:57 view of looking at genetic variation 3:00 which just does not follow those kinds 3:02 of hard uh and separate um racial 3:06 distinctions.

Got that? It is wrong because correlation does not imply causation, and the concept of race has no basis in biology anyway.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Why any leftist would whine about correlation is beyond me, as they only have correlation....their theory of various flavors of Marxism rests entirely on correlation as there is no evidence outside of a potemkin village that indicates it works as they claim. The only actual data on Marxism so far is 100 million plus attributed deaths due to frequent starvation (i.e. mass murder), numerous political cleansings (i.e. mass murder), numerous cultural revolutions (i.e. mass murder), and frequent racial genocide with a political excuses sprinkled on top (i.e. also mass murder).

The odd thing about progressive Marxism and all it's colorfully assorted flavors, is that it kills far more of its own population than its foreign adversaries. Funny little correlation isn't it?

"How long do politicians have to keep on promising heaven and delivering hell before people catch on and stop getting swept away by rhetoric?"
- Thomas Sowell