Wednesday, September 18, 2024

More Rants against the Churchill Critic

I mentioned a Tucker Carlson interview with a provocative take on Winston Churchill, and here are more attacks on it, from Niall Ferguson and Sam Harris.

Sam Harris has this character assassination of Carlson:

Tucker for 19:28 all his cultural influence is definitely 19:31 not one of the grown-ups. he's very smart. 19:34 he's a great performer. right that's 19:36 really what he is he's an Entertainer 19:38 and a very talented one but he's a 19:41 fraud how do we know this we have his 19:44 private texts from the lawsuit that 19:46 Dominion brought against Tucker's former 19:48 employer Fox News and they revealed that 19:50 while Tucker was Shilling for Donald 19:52 Trump for years he actually despised him 19:57 and considered him a quote Dem demic 19:59 force in our politics and he said he 20:01 couldn't wait to be rid of him after he 20:03 lost the 2020 election and this was how 20:06 he felt all the while endlessly 20:09 defending Trump and attacking his 20:11 critics but of course Tucker has found 20:13 an enormous audience that simply doesn't 20:16 care about his lack of Integrity it's 20:18 the same as Trump's audience so many 20:21 people go on Tucker's show either not 20:23 knowing or not caring that he's so 20:26 ethically compromised they go because 20:28 has this enormous audience and because 20:30 he has the apparent courage to talk 20:32 about anything given the nature of his 20:35 audience.
This is so bizarre. Carlson has probably done thousands of public broadcasts. And yet Sam Harris forms an opinion of him based on some out-of-context unverified private text message that some adversary obtained.

Sam Harris has a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is not just an obscure disagreement about players in a famous war. No, Sam Harris wants Carlson canceled, along with Elon Musk and X-Twitter.

1 comment:

MikeAdamson said...

Harris's opinion of Carlson is widely held, including by Fox. Tucker is an entertainer with a successful schtick, although not as lucrative since he lost his platform with Fox.