Wednesday, September 18, 2024

More Rants against the Churchill Critic

I mentioned a Tucker Carlson interview with a provocative take on Winston Churchill, and here are more attacks on it, from Niall Ferguson and Sam Harris.

Sam Harris has this character assassination of Carlson:

Tucker for 19:28 all his cultural influence is definitely 19:31 not one of the grown-ups. he's very smart. 19:34 he's a great performer. right that's 19:36 really what he is he's an Entertainer 19:38 and a very talented one but he's a 19:41 fraud how do we know this we have his 19:44 private texts from the lawsuit that 19:46 Dominion brought against Tucker's former 19:48 employer Fox News and they revealed that 19:50 while Tucker was Shilling for Donald 19:52 Trump for years he actually despised him 19:57 and considered him a quote Dem demic 19:59 force in our politics and he said he 20:01 couldn't wait to be rid of him after he 20:03 lost the 2020 election and this was how 20:06 he felt all the while endlessly 20:09 defending Trump and attacking his 20:11 critics but of course Tucker has found 20:13 an enormous audience that simply doesn't 20:16 care about his lack of Integrity it's 20:18 the same as Trump's audience so many 20:21 people go on Tucker's show either not 20:23 knowing or not caring that he's so 20:26 ethically compromised they go because 20:28 has this enormous audience and because 20:30 he has the apparent courage to talk 20:32 about anything given the nature of his 20:35 audience.
This is so bizarre. Carlson has probably done thousands of public broadcasts. And yet Sam Harris forms an opinion of him based on some out-of-context unverified private text message that some adversary obtained.

Sam Harris has a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is not just an obscure disagreement about players in a famous war. No, Sam Harris wants Carlson canceled, along with Elon Musk and X-Twitter.


MikeAdamson said...

Harris's opinion of Carlson is widely held, including by Fox. Tucker is an entertainer with a successful schtick, although not as lucrative since he lost his platform with Fox.

CFT said...


Sam Harris is the son of an actor and a television producer, so being sanctimonious, shallow, and phony is well baked into his schtick already. Sam also doesn't believe in free will at all, so who cares what he thinks when he himself doesn't even believe he chooses what he thinks. No free will? Then you are a meat puppet, congrats!

If Tucker is going to be considered an 'entertainer', that would make such august sources as NYT, WP, LAT, The Guardian, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN the equivalent of 'light comedy'. As for being 'lucrative', you haven't really done your homework, again. The circulation levels of LAT, WP, and NYT are all tanking, and CNN's ratings continue to plummet to the lowest in seven years.

MikeAdamson said...

Yes, media ratings and circulation are down but individuals within the media are still pulling down some serious coin. Thus my reference to Tucker getting less now as an independent than as a Fox employee.