Wednesday, November 06, 2002

John writes:
Several races remain in doubt.

In SD, Thune is behind by 528 votes. The Libertarian candidate got 3,064 votes. An official recount will be held on Nov. 25.

In AZ, Salmon is behind by 25,000 votes. All ballots cast on election day have been counted, but 221,000 early ballots are yet to be counted. The Libertarian got 17,000 votes and another independent candidate got 71,000 votes.

In AL, Riley was losing by about 3,000 votes last night. Today, one county changed its reported vote totals, subtracting 6,334 votes from the Democrat. Now Riley is leading by 3,195 votes. The Libertarian got 23,000 votes.

In OR, Mannix is losing by 20,000. The libertarian got 56,000 votes.

In CA, the governor's race was deceptively close: Davis 47%, Simon 42%. In reality, there was never any possibility that Simon could actually win. Simon probably got every vote that any conservative could possibly get, while a million Democratic voters expressed their disappointment with Davis by staying home.

Here is the remarkable red-blue map of California.

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