Sunday, November 10, 2002

Here is a list of 100 top songs according to votes by British music fans. It is a good list. One striking aspect is that there is hardly any music from the last 10 years. Think about that when you hear that music sales are down. We've hardly even had any good new music in the last 10 years.

Update: Andy comments:
Roger's blog links to the top 100 songs of all time, in the eyes of the British.

Since many of you are Anglophiles, I thought it worth making a few observations. The list includes 14 (!) songs by the Beatles, yet not the song that Americans consider to be their best: "Revolution". In fact, the Encyclopedia Britannica doesn't even use the term "Revolution" to name what happened here circa 1776-81. This linguistic defect is probably related to the Brits' belief in the divine right of their monarchy.

The list has other oddities. Brits love John Lennon (twice on list, including #2 spot), but nothing for Paul McCartney, who once sang against British rule in Ireland. U2's Bloody Sunday didn't make the cut either. I could only identify 5 black performers on the list, in contrast to American sentiments. Brits have a bizarre liking for Abba, which lands 5 spots. Springsteen, in contrast, has none.

Americans like Frank Sinatra view George Harrison's "Something" is the greatest rock love song, but the Brits ignored it in favor of another Harrison song.

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