Friday, November 27, 2020

Pope praises female leaders

The Tablet, a British Catholic magazine, reports:
Pope Francis says countries with female leaders have handled the Covid-19 pandemic better than others and that he has increased the number of women in decision making roles in the Vatican because they are “much better administrators than men”.
This Pope has said so many wacky and stupid things that I suspect that he is an impostor.

Another religion with troubles:

Those who have read my book, The Sword of Christ, will be familiar with the spectacular collapse of that last bastion of Christian Biblical orthodoxy, the Southern Baptist Convention, into Satanic Jewish Leftism. The SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, led by the snake Russell Moore, was the vehicle through which much of this subversion was made. Though Christian Zionists captured the Southern Baptists long ago, the Convention continued for decades to held the line on traditional social issues and, with only a few exceptions, refrained from demonizing its almost wholly White congregants.

That changed during the past decade, with a sharp acceleration after the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. Russell Moore led the charge. The Southern Baptists are now in the process of renaming themselves the “Great Commission Baptists,” a decision that Convention President J.D. Greear declared is “essential” to supporting Black Lives Matter. Greear also took it upon himself to insist that “Our Lord Jesus was not a White Southerner but a brown-skinned Middle Eastern refugee.”

New documents reveal Moore and the rest of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, to be hired guns directed by the prominent international Jews George Soros and Paul Singer.

Apparently they are dropping the word "Southern" because of its association with slavery. They could probably find objections to all the other compass directions also.

For a while I thought that Jordan Peterson might start his own religion, as he had developed a huge cult following. But he has fallen on hard times, and now his innocuous advice book might get canceled.

Speaking of religious differences, here is a George Soros article attacking Hungary and Poland, along with Viktor Orban reply:

Great forces are once again moving to eradicate the nations of Europe and unify the continent under the aegis of a global empire. The Soros network, which has woven itself through Europe’s bureaucracy and its political elite, has for years been working to make Europe an immigrant continent. Today the Soros network, which promotes a global open society and seeks to abolish national frameworks, is the greatest threat faced by the states of the European Union. The goals of the network are obvious: to create multi-ethnic, multicultural open societies by accelerating migration, and to dismantle national decision-making, placing it in the hands of the global elite. ...

The differences between us are obvious. Soros wants an open society, while we want a safe society. According to him, democracy can only be liberal, while we think it can be Christian. According to him, freedom can only serve self-realization, while we believe that freedom can also be used to follow the teachings of Christ, to serve one’s country, and to protect our families. The basis of Christian freedom is the freedom to decide. This is now in jeopardy.

We in the eastern part of the EU know very well what it means to be free. The history of the nations of Central Europe has been a relentless struggle for freedom against great empires, a repeated battle to win our right to decide our own destinies. We have bitter first-hand experience that every imperial endeavor brings enslavement.

The lizard people hate Hungary and Orban for these opinions.

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