The MAGA War on UkraineShe is a Russian Jew with her own personal hatred for Russia.Why does so much of the US Right hate a country valiantly resisting a war of aggression?
The escalating tension between the Trump administration and Ukraine in recent weeks has been accompanied by an alarming surge of extreme anti-Ukraine rhetoric in pro-Trump quarters. Some of this rhetoric has even implied that Ukraine is America’s enemy.
She acknowledges that Ukraine is corrupt, and the USA helped create the conflict by funding anti-Russian forces in Ukraine. She says nothing about the claim that Ukraine started the war by threatening to join NATO.
It seems to me that Ukraine and NATO-expansionists started this war, and that Ukraine cannot win. Young does not dispute this. So what is the point of continuing the war? Young does not explain.
It appears that Young and the deep state cold warriors hate Russia so much, that the Ukraine death and destruction is worth it because the war is draining Russian resources and uniting the West against Russia.
Count me out. I do not want this war against Russia.
Some people believe that Putin wants to recreate Russia's historic empire. Once Ukraine is settled, a move on one or more of the Baltic states would likely confirm this.
Yes, and they say Russia might invade Poland and other European countries. If I thought that were likely, my opinion might be different.
Putin's stated position is that he wants a neutral Ukraine. He also claims that Ukraine was traditionally part of Russia. I think that we should offer him a neutral Ukraine, and hope that he accepts it.
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