Monday, March 24, 2025

Why I do not use pronouns

Michael Shermer, professional skeptic, tweets:
Why I do not use pronouns:

Preference Falsification: private truths, public lies.

Everyone privately knows that men cannot become women (and therefore have no place in women’s sports and locker rooms) but many publicly lie about it and go along to get along (or out of fear of being harassed or canceled), but that only encourages the woke to go even further.

Public pronoun declaration is how public lying begins— with language.

Once you concede pronoun use, they will take you to the next step of agreeing that “gender” is fluid, then that biological sex is on a spectrum, then that sex is "assigned at birth", then that men can become women, then that it's not only acceptable but honorable that men beat women in sports & undress with them in locker rooms, and finally that if you disagree that makes you a bigot in need of sensitivity training.

Truth, and honesty about it, is the foundation of a civil society and a liberal democracy, so let's all be honest about what we really believe and express it publicly, because if we don't Preference Falsification becomes Pluralistic Ignorance, or the Spiral of Silence, where everyone thinks everyone else believes X, whereas in fact most do not.

Speak honestly. Speak truth to power.

He refers to nonconforming pronoun use.

Here is the latest LGBTQ+ complaint:

It amends the country’s law on assembly to make it an offence to hold or attend events that violate Hungary’s contentious “child protection” legislation, which bars any “depiction or promotion” of homosexuality to minors under the age of 18.
This seems like a minor limitation to me. I guess gays do not have much to complain about anymore.

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