Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Next Stage of Ukraine Ruin

Want to destroy a nation? Here is the plan. (1) Appoint Jews to take over. (2) Start a war. (3) Kill off your best Whites. (4) Replace them with non-whites.


Business leaders are calling for as many as eight million non-Western migrants to be transplanted to Ukraine to mitigate the “demographic crisis” created by its three-year war with Russia. ...

“We have a demographic catastrophe. Either we encourage our women to have more children, which would take 18–20 years to reflect in the labor market, or we must realistically seek labor migration from other countries,” Voskoboinik. He seeks to source the migrants from non-Western states ...

So, who do you think they intend to import into Ukraine to rebuild the country? If I can put it so bluntly, Ukraine will be the first African nation in Europe in 10 to 15 years’ time.

1 comment:

CFT said...

If they import Africa, Africa is exactly what they will get, and with just about the same standard of living and economic outlook. Funny how that works...who knew importing foreign poverty caused domestic poverty? Oh gee whiz how could they have possibly known?

I also find it mind numbing they are basically saying 'Having native born women have children?!! Eeeeew! How Gauche!'
No babies, no future.
Sorry kids, but that's just the way the birds and the bees works. When your society thinks they are just too evolved to have children, they are just about to evolve themselves out of existence.