Tuesday, November 08, 2022

How Schools are Now Anti-Parent

Life Site News reports:
Guidelines released this September by the Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) in Ontario are instructing teachers to conceal each student’s “gender identity” from the pupil’s parents unless given permission from the child to do so.

“Regardless of age or grade, staff must keep a student’s gender identity and gender expression status confidential unless the student gives explicit consent to inform the parent(s)/guardian(s), or there is a specific ‘need to know’ (e.g., to fulfill a specific accommodation request),” states the recently released document titled “Gender Identity and Gender Expression Guideline.”

The new guideline also covers topics called ““decolonizing gender,” “2SLGBTQI+ What does it mean?” and “Names, Pronouns, and Honorifics” among other things.

I do not see any legitimate excuse for a school to withhold information from a parent.

I am surprised that anyone puts up with teachers and other school officials conspiring to change and conceal a gender identity. Those people are like child molesters. Not just criminal, but going beyond basic moral norms in a way that is offensive to almost everyone.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Just to put things into perspective, If a public school teacher was shown to be responsible for encouraging a child to get a tattoo they would be more harshly treated than if they encouraged a child to have their breasts or genitals cut off. Never before has castration been so popular amongst educators.

Safety Tip:
If your child's school teacher has day-glo pink or Smurf blue hair and multiple facial piercings, it's a sure sign of mental illness. You might want to get your kid out of there before they are talked into some incredibly poor life choices.