Saturday, November 12, 2022

Married Women Vote Republican

Yahoo reports:
Fox News host Jesse Watters recently said Democratic policies are designed to keep women from getting married. Now, single women have fired back.

During Wednesday night’s broadcast, the Fox News host broke down a midterm elections exit poll that showed 68 per cent of unmarried women voted Democrat, while 56 per cent of married women voted for Republicans.

“This makes sense when you think about how democratic policies are designed to keep women single,” he said during the segment. “But once women get married, they vote Republican. Married women, married men go for Republicans by double digits but single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats.”

Then, Watters came up with a solution to the single women epidemic: “We need these ladies to get married. It’s time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it.” ...

Back in April, Watters revealed that he once let the air out of his now-wife’s tires so that she would accept his offer of a ride home. Watters married Emma DiGiovine, who worked as a producer on his show at the time, in December 2019 after finalising his divorce from ex-wife Noelle Inguagiato that same year.

The data are backed up by the latest CNN exit polls. But I am not sure that women will turn Republican by getting married. It may be that the Democrat single women have toxic attitudes that block them from finding a husband.

This could partially explain anti-marriage policies by Democrats. They need the votes.

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