Saturday, May 12, 2018

Single mom and pervert wants to be honored

From a Huff Post column 2 years ago:
Shout Out to the Dads Who Do What’s Right on Mother’s Day — and a Wake Up Call for Those Who Don’t

By Michelle Manning Barish

I am a single mom. Being a mother is hard work, physically, spiritually and emotionally. It is the most rewarding job you will ever have, should you choose it, but also the most draining and demanding. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. ...

When Bee was really little, we loved to go to Walt Disney World together. ...

What I want most for Mother’s Day, is to know that someone, other than a class project or a babysitter, took the time to help my little one feel empowered to honor me. ...

I place this responsibility squarely on the fathers of the world. Yeah, you guys.
Someday that daughter is going to read this story, and learn that her mom is a weirdo mentally ill masochist sex pervert who spent 2 years going to a man for beatings in bed, and with heavy drinking and Xanax. Even after breaking up, she kept going back to get abusive drunken sex.

Is this what feminism has become?

The man is a creep also. He is a Jewist leftist feminist lawyer Trump-hater. We don't know that he did anything other than to comply with her bizarre sexual desires. I don't jump to conclusions based on one-sided accusations.

But it is safe to say that she is a mentally unstable pervert. She is unfit to be a single mom. Her kid would be much better off if her ex-husband had custody of her. Our society is really broken if it treats this woman as anything but a degenerate.

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