Friday, May 25, 2018

The Double-Edged Sword Of Identity Politics

CH writes:
Leftoids love identity politics — less euphemistically, race and sex politics — because to date they’ve been able to exploit nonWhite and feminist shrike tribalism (aka identity) to advance their political goals, which is basically the destruction of European Christendom.

Inciting chauvinist and tribal feelings in women and minorities against White men has worked out well for the Left, because Whites are the least tribal race on earth and therefore the most susceptible to accusations of privilege and oppression and to pleas for warped notions of fairness that handicap Whites to the benefit of the anti-Whites.

But I’ve noticed something simmering in the last few years, as realtalk about race and sex has seeped into the neural crevices of the Chaimstream Media hivemind. That old anti-identity politics Boomer meme is finding new purchase in the rhetoric of the goyennes of acceptable discourse. You’re gonna hear in the coming months and years a lot more calls to “abandon identity politics” from the Left and the CuckRight (but I repeat myself), and the reason is simple: they’re afraid. Afraid that White men are embracing identity politics with the same eagerness that nonWhites and women have embraced it. The Left wielded a double-edged identity politics sword and now that blade is swinging back at them.

And that’s gonna kill the Left’s identity politics cash cow for good, because White men (as distinguished from (((fellow white men)))) organizing politically and culturally for their own benefit means White men resisting their psychological and economic fleecing and disrupting for good the host-parasite relationship that has been the primary feature of the Anglosphere since WWI.
I think he is on to something. There are lots of whites who have not identified much with other whites, but now they are forced to. The non-whites are ganging up on whites and making whites the enemy. If they have to play identity politics to survive, that is what they will do.

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