Thursday, July 18, 2024

No One Fired for Secret Service Fiasco

I agree with this:
“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” Vance posted on X shortly after the shooting. “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”
After reading more about the assassination attempt, and watching the videos, it is really hard to understand why no one has been fired.

Here is the new Trump-Vance ad.

The Federalist reports

President Joe Biden couldn’t even last 48 hours without using extreme rhetoric against former President Donald Trump, after having called on Sunday night for the nation to “lower the temperature in our politics” after Trump survived an assassination attempt.

Speaking at the NAACP convention in Las Vegas on Tuesday, Biden used his traditional playbook of slandering Republicans.

“They will do everything — undo everything the NAACP stands for, but now they’re trying to deny it. They’re lying about their Project 2025. They want to deny you freedom, the freedom of the vote, have your vote counted,” Biden said, completely lying.

“They’d impose a nationwide ban on abortion. … They want to prosecute political enemies. They want to cut Social Security and Medicare, rip away protection for millions of pre-existing conditions for 400 million people … risking people’s lives, costing the government more money. … They would … give the very wealthy a big corporate — corporations a new tax cut,” Biden continued.

All Biden really did this time was stop short of comparing Trump to Hitler — which he’s done in the past.

Biden may be too senile to know what he is saying. His administration represents people who seek to destroy you.

1 comment:

CFT said...

The head of the Secret Service Kim Cheatle is at the moment unwilling to answer such basic questions as:

Why would a slanted roof prevent a sniper from being posted on the roof of the location the shooter when the two other locations used were also on slanted roofs? This argument is being used to excuse why no one was posted on the building used by the shooter (No one is able to defend this decision on any technical grounds)

Why did the Secret Service sit on knowledge of the shooter for over ten minutes before Trump was to speak? Trump was sent out on stage with the very organization there to protect him knowing he was already targeted (No one is able to remotely defend this decision on any grounds whatsoever).

Kim Cheatle has not been able to address these two very basic questions that her very job requires her to be capable of answering...even days after the assassination attempt. She either has no idea what is going on or what she is doing, or she has been instructed not to answer. In either case her career is most likely over.

Biden had better pray to whatever spirit in the sky he claims he answers to that this doesn't get linked to direction from within the White House...or he could be facing becoming historical in yet another way that no sitting President ever has.

Whoever is actually running the White House and pulling Biden's strings should be very nervous.