Friday, July 26, 2024

Ireland Appoints Nigerian Anti-racist

Ireland used to be a Catholic country that fiercely maintained its independence. No more.

The London Spectator reports:

Last Wednesday, a Green cabinet member appointed Dr Ebun Joseph as a ‘Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.’ In essence, the Nigerian-born Special Rapporteur will deliver regular reports to the Irish government about how hideously white and racist Irish people are.
Apparently Jews led them into this nonsense:
Feldman is not the first American Jew to arrive on Irish shores and start telling the Irish they have no ethnic interests. Back in 2019, Laura Weinstein, a New York PhD living in Ireland and claiming to be an expert in Irish history and culture waded into Ireland’s growing immigration debate. Of all the aspects of Irish history and culture Weinstein could have chosen to focus on, she decided she was most interested, like Feldman and others, in the “myth” of a homogeneous Irish identity and “right wing Irish nationalism.”

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