Thursday, July 11, 2024

Jews want to Regulate AI

Ever wonder why authorities are so eager to regulate Artificial Intelligence? How can more knowledge and intelligence be a bad thing?

A United Nations agency reports:

New UNESCO report warns that Generative AI threatens Holocaust memory

A UNESCO report published today warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitism.

If we allow the horrific facts of the Holocaust to be diluted, distorted or falsified through the irresponsible use of AI, we risk the explosive spread of antisemitism and the gradual diminution of our understanding about the causes and consequences of these atrocities. Implementing UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI is urgent so that younger generations grow up with facts, not fabrications.

UNESCO Director-General
Audrey AzoulayUNESCO Director-General

Published in partnership with the World Jewish Congress, the UNESCO report explains that as learners increasingly use Generative AI to complete assignments and find information online, they risk exposure to distorted information about the Holocaust, which has found new ways to spread through AI-generated content.

AI just regurgitates facts in its training set.

In most of Europe, it is legal to exaggerate the Jewish Holocaust, but illegal to minimize or dilute it. So trying to state accurate facts can be dangerous. AI threatens to expose unregulated facts.

Meanwhile France President Macron has survived the election by aligning himself with the Leftists and Communists, the Jews are wising up about their enemies:

PARIS — If you want an indication of the effectiveness of Marine Le Pen’s efforts to detoxify her image, look no further than Serge Klarsfeld, a Holocaust survivor who spent his life hunting down former Nazis.

Presented with a choice between the hard-left France Unbowed movement and Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party, the 88-year-old Jewish rights activist said he would vote for the latter “without hesitation.”

Far-right parties in Europe have “disavowed antisemitism and support Jews,” Klarsfeld said in a televised interview ahead of the country’s two-round parliamentary election on June 30 and July 7.

The unexpected endorsement reflects the extent to which Le Pen has repositioned her party since she took it over from her father, a convicted Holocaust denier who once described the murder of 6 million Jews as “a minor detail” in the history of World War II.

The left-wingers want to kill the Jews, not the right-wingers.

Another UN agency says 50,000 babies have been born in Gaza, since the Oct. 7, 2023 war started. People accuse Irrael of genocide, but apparently it is not making a dent in the Gaza population.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Anyone who lets a another person to do their thinking, is asking to be enslaved.
Anyone who lets a machine do their thinking, is asking to be extinct.

Anyone who wants to be extinct is not worth listening to, no matter how educated.
Suicide en masse is still suicide.
A is A