Friday, July 19, 2024

How Indians are Ruining Tech Companies

From a podcast, 3 months ago:
Are All These Vanilla CEOs A Good Thing?

The Rise Of Indian CEOs

Did you know that 12% of Fortune 500 CEOs are Indian? That’s despite Indians only accounting for ~1% of western populations. With that being said, there’s no question that Indians have excelled quite a bit within the world of tech-leading companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Adobe. But, while these CEOs are hard workers and highly talented, are they actually the right people for the job? This question has less to do with their ethnicity and much more do with their background. In general, Indians don’t typically follow the entrepreneur path to get their CEO jobs. Rather, they are master politicians and corporate ladder climbers. In other words, Indian CEOs are eerily similar to MBA businessmen. In fact, most of them do have MBAs even if they have a stem background. This video explores the pros and cons of MBA businessmen and whether all these Indian CEOs are actually good for these companies.

In particular, Google Search has gotten bad. See How Google is killing independent sites like ours, Cory Doctorow, and The Man Who Killed Google Search. That man's name is Prabhakar Raghavan, and he is from India.

Google has been a leader in AI research for about ten years, but it is having great difficulty commercializing it.

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