Sunday, September 24, 2023

Women should pay Reparations to Men

From the full California report:
The Task Force recommends that the Legislature estimate the cost of health differences between African Americans and white non-Hispanic Californians and issue reparations according to that calculation, as follows:

1. Take the value of the individual’s statistical life (roughly $10,000,000) and divide it by the white non-Hispanic life expectancy in California (78.6 years in 2021), to obtain the value for each year of life absent anti-Black racial discrimination ($127,226).769

Then calculate the difference in average life expectancy in years between African American and white non-Hispanic Californians (7.6 years in 2021). 3. Then multiply the two to arrive at a total loss in value of life for each African American due to health disparities based on racial discrimination ($966,918).

Women live longer than men by almost 6 years, and this is partially attributed to women having better access to health care and preventive services than men. So every man should be paid about $700,000 in compensation.

Women have more personal wealth and consumer spending power than men, and men have more debt. This is true in spite of the fact that men do more work and earn most of the money. Obviously a systemic injustice.

The report also wants to compensate Blacks for spending more time in jail. But of course men on average spend much more time in jail than women, so White men should be compensated also.

The Task Force also recommends that the Legislature provide reparations for less quantifable harms. For example, pain and suffering from generations of discrimination represents real harm experienced by descendants.

Also, because in some instances, more data and research are required to calculate the just amount of reparations, the Task Force recommends that the Legislature make a substantial initial down payment on reparations, to be augmented over time with additional payments as new evidence becomes available. It should be communicated to the public that the substantial initial down payment is the beginning of a conversation about redressing the economic and societal harm of historical injustices, not the end of it.

Forget about any payment settling any issue. Any payment for reparations will just encourage demands for more.

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