Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The coming ethnic wars

The Charlottesville chant that everyone denounced was "You will not replace us."

Perhaps this is the sort of displacement that they were seeking to avoid:
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has reportedly said that all locals accused of killing white former commercial farmers during the country's controversial reform programme are immune to prosecution.

According to News Day, Mugabe said this while addressing thousands who thronged the National Heroes Acre to mark this year's Heroes Day.

"Yes, we have those (white farmers) who were killed when they resisted. We will never prosecute those who killed them. I ask: Why we should arrest them?," Mugabe was quoted as saying.

The report said that at least 12 white commercial farmers were killed by suspected Zanu-PF activists during the fast-tracked agrarian reforms that were masterminded by Mugabe's administration in 2000.

Thousands of white commercial farmers and their employees were also displaced and left without sources of income

According to the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union, more than 4000 white farmers were affected by the often violent farm invasions.
We cannot even watch the movie Gone With The Wind in a movie theater anymore.

Google YouTube is trying to discourage viewing some interesting social science videos, such as How Women Dismantle NATIONS * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS and Race Differences in Intelligence.

I think that we are headed for ethnic wars. I hope that I am wrong, but if trends continue, things will get ugly. Whites will not wait for the day when the law allows stealing their land and killing them.

In a couple of years, some European country is going to decide that importing Moslems was all a big mistake, and try to deport them all. This will cause other nations to take sides on the matter. It could lead to World War III.

Again, I hope I am wrong, but I do not see this coming to a peaceful conclusion.

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