Thursday, May 09, 2024

Wisconsin Judge is Against Marriage

From a 2020 story in a feminist Jewish site:
Earlier this month, Jill Karofsky was elected to Wisconsin’s Supreme Court. The Jewish, single mom of two defeated the Trump-endorsed incumbent in a surprise victory, winning 55 percent in the purple state. ...

Karofsky will be the third Jewish woman to serve on the Wisconsin Supreme Court: ...

“I am a 2-time Ironman triathlete and I run 50-mile ultra-marathons." ...

On her judicial philosophy, Karofsky said, “When I hear a judge say ‘apply the law as it is, not as I wish it to be,’ I generally know they are likely to be the worst kind of activist judge, intending to implement a far-right-wing agenda. I am committed to the rule of law, to an independent judiciary, and to applying the Constitution fairly and equitably to today’s world.”

Mazel tov, Jill. We’re cheering for you!

She has her own far-left-wing agenda.

Wisconsin law favors marriage for adoptive parents, and now she wrote an opinion wanting to abolish that law.

This incongruent outcome exemplifies the specious connection between the statutes and their stated goal of promoting a child's best interest. At first glance the connection may seem neatly knitted together; however, closer inspection reveals nothing more than a fraying tangle of dubious assumptions, circular reasoning, and outdated values that fail to reflect the practical realities of modern family life. ...

There are many different family structures that create stability for children, and the statute's one-size- fits-all approach can actively work against the benefit of a child, as it did in this case. ...

More than 20% of children have witnessed domestic violence within their lifetime, often resulting in long term harm to their development. ...

("[A] large body of research now exists that finds that children are not necessarily better off living with two biological parents who are in constant marital conflict.").

This is a good example of Leftist Jews trying to destroy to undermine Christian civilization. Why else would she write such a ridiculous opinion against adoptive parents being married?

She could give these same silly arguments against any govt policy. For example, the state requires a drivers license to drive a car on public roads. She could post a rant about how some licensed drivers have car wrecks, or how some unlicensed drivers are actually pretty safe. Such examples prove nothing about whether licensure is a good policy.

She cannot be that stupid. This is just Jewish thinking.


MikeAdamson said...

Oh boy

CFT said...

The sad truth is, life is a numbers game.
Jewish families are having fewer and fewer children.
The reverse is true in the Islamic community, their birth rates are steadily going up.
There is only one way this ends if this continues.

In a few more generations, there won't be enough Jews to hold onto their holy land.