Sunday, May 12, 2024

German Courts Suppress Truth about Afghan Crimes

Elon Musk:
Are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics?

Was there anything inaccurate in what she said?

Judge Heiko Halbfas saw things differently on Monday: “Those who attack human dignity cannot invoke freedom of speech.” Kaiser deliberately created an image in the minds of others that led to hatred of a nationally determined group, the district newspaper reported.
The context is that Afghans in Germany are gang rapists.
The Verden regional court in Lower Saxony has upheld a verdict against Rotenburg AfD leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser for incitement to hatred. The 27-year-old was also found guilty in the appeal hearing on Monday of inciting hatred against Afghan local workers.

For this, the politician now has to pay 100 day fines (a type of fine related to daily income of the convicted) plus a fine of €60, a total of €6,000. ...

Among other things, the politician linked to an article showing that Afghans in Germany are particularly heavily involved in gang rape.

Wow, the Germans have been neutered. When I see a story like this, I assume that the reality is much worse. Next time, the German govt will not release the ethnic data on rapists.

Whoever thought that Afghans could be imported into Germany, and become Germans?

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