Monday, January 06, 2020

The Death of the West

Pat Buchanan writes:
For many First World countries, there are more compelling concerns. High among them is population decline, and, if birth rates do not rise, the near-extinction of many Western peoples by this century’s end. ...

But it is Eastern Europe where the population crisis is most advanced.

At the end of the Cold War, Bulgaria had 9 million people. By 2017, that had fallen to 7.1 million. In 2050, Bulgaria’s population is estimated at 5.4 million — a loss of 40% to death and migration since Bulgaria won its freedom from the Soviet Empire. ...

The tribes of Europe, the peoples of almost every country of the Old Continent, are visibly aging, shrinking and dying. The population crisis of Europe is “existential,” says Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.

Since this writer published “The Death of the West,” nothing has happened to alter my conclusion as to where the West was destined: ...

We are talking here about what historians, a century hence, will call the Lost Tribes of Europe.

Matthew Yglesias has a new book arguing:
A bold case for massive population growth in the name of national greatness—from Vox co-founder and host of “The Weeds” podcast Matt Yglesias.

America is in decline. Fewer children are born each year due to financial pressure. Thousands flee our iconic cities with their housing shortages and broken infrastructure. ... We need to get bigger, much bigger. We need one billion Americans.

In this timely and provocative book, Matthew Yglesias makes the case for massive population growth through humane family and immigration policy.
Sounds like they agree, right?

No. They are looking at the same data, but not coming to the same conclusions.

Wikipedia says about Matthew Yglesias
His paternal grandfather was of Spanish-Cuban background, and his three other grandparents were of Eastern European Jewish descent.

Yglesias went to high school at The Dalton School in New York City and later attended Harvard University, where he studied philosophy.

Yglesias started blogging in early 2002, while still in college, focusing mainly on American politics and public policy issues, often approached from an abstract, philosophical perspective. Yglesias was a strong supporter of invading Iraq, Iran and North Korea,
Okay, it is starting to make sense now. Steve Sailer calls this the "Invade the world, Invite the world" foreign policy.

If Japan and Bulgaria really desperately need population increases, they could import Third World migrants. But that would not solve the problem Buchanan is discussing.

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