Friday, October 11, 2024

Trans Families for Harris

Here is amazing clip from the trans families for Harris:
I've now obtained footage from a new one this is from the trans 11:37 families for Harris organization and um they had their own Zoom call and in this 11:43 call several parents said that they support KL Harris because they want the 11:48 ability to change their child's gender despite the fact that changing their child's gender is you know of course medically and scientifically impossible 11:55 here's one example this is a a a guy named Jeff Bender and and he says that his 11-year-old son is now a girl who 12:02 uses she her pronouns and it's all because of the wisdom of his son's 12:07 second grade teacher and now Jeff is going to take his son across state lines to Illinois which is more than three 12:13 hours away to begin a so-called gender affirming care watch

an important thing 12:20 happened to my daughter um we've always known that our daughter um ever since 12:27 she was born she uh was always who she 12:33 was and uh so it didn't come to a surpr a surprise for us to find out when she 12:38 chose to start using uh she her pronouns but the reason she chose she her 12:43 pronouns was because of her second grade teacher and when we limit our 12:49 teachers um access to our kids which they spend more time with our children than we do as parents when we limit that 12:57 access when we limit what they can do and how they can help our our kids grow 13:02 um I can only imagine the hurt and the struggles that some of these kids are going to end up going through but 13:09 because she had a second grade teacher that stepped up and let her know you 13:14 decide who you want to be it's not about what your parents say or your grandparents say you know you so From 13:21 This Moment forth in this school who do you want to be and in second grade my 13:26 daughter chose she her uh my daughter is now 11 and we have our very first 13:32 appointment for our um gender affirming care our Hospital our children's 13:38 hospital here in St Louis was shut down um our doctor was made to flee the state 13:44 and is now working somewhere else and our first appointment is at the end of this month in Peoria Illinois and if 13:52 you're not familiar with the area that is a three-hour drive from our 13:57 house

That's right. His school talked his son into wanting to be a girl. He is greteful to the teacher for usurping a parental role. He is traveling out of state to get the boy castrated.

This is sick on many levels. Usually the moms are the ones doing this, but this is a dad. A comment says:

If I allow my 9 year old grandson to play alone in the front yard, CPS will be at the door, but this is okay?
Matt Walsh says:
of all the pathetic men uh the most pathetic one 14:10 I've ever seen in my life
This is not just the story of one pathetic man. We have Kamala Harris, possibly the next President, who is firmly in favor of this child abuse.

Glenn Greenwald is not a right-winger, and he delevers this devastating criticism of Harris. She must be the most incompetent candidate ever.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Before a parent considers getting their child castrated, they really should try it themselves. It might solve two problems, 1. by preventing the parent from ever having another child to mutilate and 2. by putting the parent through the living hell they are about to unleash on their child in the hopes they figure out how gullible they are, and how painful virtue signalling actually is.

Sometimes experience is the best teacher. Especially for idiots.