Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Problem with all the brown people

From a stupid newspaper advice column:
Dear Eric: ... Last night he came out and said, “I really have a problem with all the brown people coming into the country.” ... Should I raise it with him one on one?
It is funny how some old White guy can be so upset by someone expressing an opinion. And the advice-giver agreeing.

The USA has adopted an immigration policy in recent years to bring in millions of brown people. If you have an opinion on this, then maybe you think we bring in too many, or too few. A guy expressed an opinion at an online poker game. Why write for advice?

If someone had a disagreement, he could say so. And he would say so, and not write a letter asking about it.

My guess is that he probably agrees that too many brown people are being imported, but has been brainwashed to object to that opinion being expressed.

The press gives the impression that most people are for increasing immigration, but it is not true. A new poll shows:

Almost two-thirds of registered voters agree that all illegal migrants should be deported, according to a Marist poll of 1,628 adults conducted for the pro-migration National Public Radio network.
The non-white advice giver says:
By saying nothing, you created a safe haven for opinions that you find abhorrent – you all did. And that looks like tacit agreement.
This is an example of the Intolerant Left giving bad advice. Leftists now go around trying to get everyone to terminate friendships with those not holding suitably leftist opinions.

Reasonable people can disagree about immigration levels, and friends should be able to tolerate political disagreement. I would deport the illegal aliens, but not terminate friendships over a political issue.

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