Saturday, October 19, 2024

Harris fails the Kooky Left Litmus Test

Bill Maher is strongly supporting Kamala Harris, and predicting that she will win, but is concerned about this:
the voter's big doubt about Kamala is 5:24 are you part of far-left 5:26 insanity the attack ad I see 10 times a 5:29 day and a question Bret Baier aimed at 5:31 her on Wednesday was about her saying in 5:33 2019 that she supported providing 5:36 taxpayer funded sex change operations to 5:39 illegal immigrants in prison. something 5:42 that's actually never happened and has 5:44 no real bearing on anybody's life, but 5:48 it's a litmus test for voters out there 5:51 who want to know of the Democrat is 5:53 there anything your Fringe can suggest 5:56 that will ever make you say no that's 5:59 F***ing 6:10 ridiculous.
Good point. Is there anything on the kooky fringe Left that Harris rejects as too ridiculous?

No. When asked about that 2019 opinion about sex change operations, she continues to defend it. Likewise, she clings to her opinions supporting paying racial reparation and other radical measures.

I thought that her political advisors would have persuaded her that she needs to distance herself from radical leftists, and she can do that by disavowing some of their nuttier ideas.

There is no sign of it. She was once the most leftist of all 100 US Senators, and we do not see any limits to how leftist she will go.

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