Sunday, October 13, 2024

Noticing Human Bio Diversity

The London Guardian reports:
In Sailer’s newly published anthology, Noticing, one essay claims that an “African population explosion” is related to a “primal African cult of fertility”. Another associates “young woman-of-color journalists” with “Haitian voodoo and Southern hoodoo magic”. Many offer variations on the claim that “Blacks have higher average levels of violent crime and lower average levels of intelligence”. ...

Sailer, meanwhile, has repeatedly denied in recent months that he is a white supremacist in response to reporting in the Atlantic. ...

His central claims include the idea that social racial categories – Black, white or Hispanic – have a biological basis, and that this is revealed in differences in intelligence and other attributes.

Scientists say this is wrong.

Joseph L Graves Jr is an evolutionary biologist and geneticist, a professor of biology at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

In 2021, he and Alan Goodman, the Hampshire College biological anthropologist, published Racism, Not Race, a book-length refutation of the “myth” that there is a “link between socially defined races and genetic variation”. ...

Throughout his career, Sailer has asserted that Black people are inherently more prone to criminal behavior than white people, and has used this as the basis for further claims about policing and politics. ...

“It’s impossible to blame the African American homicide problem wholly on genetic differences because there was a huge explosions in the black-on-black murder rate in the days following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, when America’s progressive establishment declared it was time for the ‘racial reckoning’ and prudent police retreated to the donut shop.” ...

Sailer regularly claims that Black people around the world are less intelligent or more primitive than white people, along with advancing other bizarre claims and racist stereotypes.

In an essay in Noticing entitled Hair Hysteria, Sailer writes: “After having read hundreds of their op-eds and the like over the past few years, I’ve discovered that the No 1 topic young woman-of-color journalists want us to listen to them talk about is … their hair.”

He then proposes a cause that casts these Black professional women as primitive and irrational: “Due to the decline in prestige of white men, with their tiresome science and rationality, older ways of thinking are growing in influence. And hair plays an important role in Haitian voodoo and Southern hoodoo magic.”

So sailer says there are human racial differences. Mainstream academics say he is wrong, because there is no such thing as race.

If they are going to deny race, then they as might as well admit that Sailer is right. It is as if someone said that China is going to lead the world in industrial capacity, and someone else said no, that's wrong, because there is no such thing as China.

1 comment:

MikeAdamson said...

I think the moral of this story is not to step too close to the edge of the world.