Saturday, January 18, 2025

MeToo is Not Dead Yet

Wokism may be declining, but DEI and MeToo are not dead yet. Here is latest example of MeToo, unpaywalled here.

I do not recommend reading this junk. I did not. It is too gross and invasive. I just post so you can be aware of what it is. It is a Jewish reporter telling about how a Jewish man had consensual and degrading sexual activities with a Jewish woman. The man is mostly famous for creating The Sandman, a DC comic book series. The comic book might have been a tipoff that he had weird fantasies.

The woman tells stories about how she would literally eat manure as part of sexual adventures that went on for years. She sent text messages about how much she enjoyed it. Others also tell bizarre stories. No one says anything was criminal, except in fictional fantasies and in complaints many years later.

I don't know what is going on here. These stories are notoriously unreliable, so I am not assuming any of it is true. It does appear that Jews like to brag about telling stories of degrading sexual activities. It is sick. A few years ago, mainstream publishers would refuse to touch this stuff.

The Harvey Weinstein stories seem to be the high point of this genre. He was eventually charged with crimes, but the women were obviously enthusiastic and willing participants.

Here is another strange metoo controversy:

Elena Rybakina, the 2022 Wimbledon champion, has recently been at the center of a coaching controversy involving her former coach, Stefano Vukov. She has chosen to bring him back on her team. Allegations of verbal abuse and misconduct surfaced during her matches, sparking broader debates about the boundaries of acceptable behavior in professional tennis coaching.

In the weeks following Rybakina’s announcement, the ITF confirmed that Stefano Vukov had been temporarily suspended for breaching the sport’s code of conduct. Reports allege that his suspension was tied to instances of inappropriate behavior during matches, which included public criticism of Rybakina during high-pressure moments.

He works for her. She can fire him at any time. She is 25 years old. She has no complaints about him. The complaints come from others who think the coach is too critical. Maybe they think he is sleeping with her also, but they have not said it. Even if so, they are adults, and I do not see how it is anyone's business. I tried to find some videos, and nothing seemed unusual to me. Men in pro sports get yelled at much worse, and no one thinks anything wrong with it.

There is another strange controversy involving actress Blake Lively, but I cannot figure it out. It appears to be another Amber Heard Johnny Depp situation. They were acting in a Netflix movie about how children of abusers grow up to be abusers. It is weird that this would generate heated and bizarre claims of abuse. It is almost as if they are trying to generate publicity for the movie.


CFT said...

Neil Gaiman is a very highly educated writer who wrote a mythological character called 'The Sandman' for DC comics. It is one of the few comics to ever win so many awards (including a Hugo and World Fantasy Award) for writing that are usually reserved for full length novels. I would also remind you that if you are going to judge people's work by their bedroom behavior meeting your 'acceptable to me by today's standards' criteria, you are going to have a hell of lot of blank history books and empty museums. Please read Giorgio Visari's "The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects" written in several volumes 1550-1568. Many of the finest artists the world has ever known were often problematic assholes and anything but acceptable in 'polite society'.

Very creative and artistically talented people rarely adhere to societal ideas of norms or propriety, which is why such people are excellent for creating great works of art and music that inspire and challenge preconceptions, but not so good at being effective organized leaders...or scientists, accountants, or technicians. It takes all types, not just one kind of person to make the world go round.

Roger said...

I am not judging him, as I do not know if any of it is true, or why I should care even if it is. I am just commenting on the metoo movement.

CFT said...

It's just been a trend about the last ten years or so to tear successful men down because petty jilted lovers and angry women in general should be believed at the expense of all context, evidence, and sanity.

Roger said...

Yes, the Blake Lively story appears to be more of that. She is not a jilted lover, but she is angry about some very petty gripes.