Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Jews Pretending to be Contrarians

A couple of Jewish Trump-haters announced:
I am here to announce I am leaving The Washington Post in order to co found with Norm an exciting new online platform, The Contrarian. We are going to bring you written material, podcasts, interviews, social media, all in defense of democracy. Our intent is to combat the authoritarian force that we all face.
I thought that was what the Wash. Post did -- pretend to defend democracy by trashing Pres. Trump all the time.

I post this as an example of warped Jewish anti-American thinking. If they were really pro-democracy, they would be supporting the outcome of the recent election.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Only a bunch of idiots would cry a river about authoritarianism and then protest that there are those who don't agree with them in a different political any form of democracy requires more than one choice.

Disagreement is not authoritarian, trying to prevent others from voicing disagreement is, and only one political party was doing that.
Hint: It wasn't the republicans.