Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Feminist Bishop goes Political to Trump

PBS tv reports:
President Donald Trump on Wednesday demanded an apology from the Episcopal bishop of Washington after she made a direct appeal to him during a prayer service marking his inauguration to have mercy on the LGBTQ+ community and migrant workers who are in the United States illegally.

Referencing Trump’s belief that he was saved by God from assassination, the Right Rev. Mariann Budde said, “You have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.”

No, women should not be Christian bishops. She is also in favor of a bunch of other woke abominations. Some of Trump's executive orders are wonderfully anti-woke.


CFT said...

In my opinion, what the Bishop did was next to unforgivable. She put a personal agenda before her vows.

You NEVER use the pulpit to argue politics with or confront an individual in front of the congregation, it's disgusting, immoral, and a conflict of interest that should be censured by her church. Such conversations are done one to one or in the proper forum, in this case, a political forum. If I had been in a similar position as trump, I would have stood up and clearly said, "Take your cheap shots when you aren't pretending to be a priest, otherwise you speak for you and only you when you do so, not God or the congregation." and then I would have walked out.

If this silly woman was remotely as concerned about children's safety as she claims, she wouldn't support the surgical or chemical mutilation or trans grooming thereof of child minors.

Virtue signaling in front of the camera over the 'fears' of children when you were fine with them being maimed in the first place is utterly despicable.

Castrating children is evil. So are the people (including bishops) who turn a blind eye to this in the name of their politics or profits.

MikeAdamson said...

Jesus has no place in today's Church or Politics /s