Saturday, July 20, 2024

No Parental Rights in California

California has passed a series of laws to turn kids LGBTQ, and against the parents.


In September 2012, the California legislature passed Senate Bill 1172 (SB 1172), which prohibits licensed psychotherapists from engaging in “sexual orientation change efforts” (SOCE) with minor patients.1 This unprecedented statute aims to prevent any mental health professional from using techniques—commonly known as “conversion therapy” or “reparative therapy”—that attempt to eliminate homosexual attraction or foster heterosexual attraction when treating a minor patient.2

The passage of SB 1172 adds a new dimension to mainstream psychotherapy’s complicated relationship with sexual orientation. As many scholars have pointed out, the majority of psychiatrists and psychologists once believed that same-sex attraction could be “cured” through psychotherapeutic intervention.3 However, since homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1973,4the mainstream mental health establishment5 has come to view homosexuality and bisexuality as benign, encouraging therapists to engage in practices that “affirm” a patient’s sexual orientation.6

News from 2018:
Legislation to ban efforts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, sometimes called “conversion therapy” or “reparative therapy,” passed in the California Assembly this morning with a bipartisan vote of 50-14 (pending additional votes from members who were not present in the chamber at the time of the initial tally). Assemblymember Evan Low’s AB 2943, cosponsored by Equality California and the Trevor Project, would make California the first state in the nation to ban these widely discredited practices from being performed on both children and adults.
And now this
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law Monday prohibiting schools from informing parents when students change their pronouns in school. The Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth (SAFETY) Act also imposes responsibilities on the State Department of Education to develop resources to “increase support for LGBTQ pupils.”

According to the California legislature’s LGBTQ caucus, the SAFETY Act is necessary to prevent school boards from outing the gender identity of students. In July 2023 several schools passed so-called “forced outing” policies, which required teachers to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender.

Minors can also get abortions:
Unlike many other states, California does not require minors to obtain parental consent to receive an abortion. The minor patient's right to provide their consent is based on state case law and not on any statute.

California had passed a statute to require either parental consent or a court order, also called judicial bypass, in cases involving a minor's abortion. Before that statute became law, it was declared unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court based on California's constitutional guarantee of a right to privacy. State lawmakers have since repealed the original statute.

Not only that, but I believe that California parents are not even notified of the minor abortion.

Elon Musk cited the latest law as a reason for moving out of California.

Under these laws, a small child could get drawn to a school counselor, and show some slightly non-conforming behavior, such as a boy liking the color pink. The counselor cannot legally encourage the boy to be a boy, and must tell the boy that he is a girl. Soon, the boy is using female names and pronouns at school, and the school is probibited from telling the parents what is going on. The school has to issue two report cards, one with the boy's female name, and one for he parents.

The LGBTQ lobby justifies these policies by saying that the boy could commit suicide. But that is all the more reason to inform the parent.

Musk tweeted:

The goal is this diabolical law is to break the parent-child relationship and put the state in charge of your children


CFT said...

We can't tell your gay son they shouldn't dress and act like a girl...
because that might harm them.

also California:
We can tell your gay son he is actually a dual souled woman and should get his genitals cut off...
because that's actually good for them.

My once home state has become a proud cesspit of child molesters calling themselves state employees.
When the winds of common sense and sanity shift away from overt child mutilation, there will come the monsoons of class action law suits.

Lawyer up California, you're sooo gonna need it. Cowabunga.

MikeAdamson said...

Everybody knows that conversion therapy doesn't work so that part is fine. I am confused on the "counselor can't encourage a boy to be a boy and must tell him he is a girl." Is a step missing cause that makes no sense.

Roger said...

Conversion therapy does not work in the same sense that all therapies do not work. People need to change themselves. But there are people who are gender confused, and looking for help. The counselors have to push the kids towards LGBTQ, to stay clear of the law.