Friday, July 12, 2024

Duke Medical School goes Woke

NY Post reports:
Expecting people to be on time is part of ‘white supremacy culture,’ Duke Medical School claims

Duke Medical School claims it is “white supremacy culture” to expect people of color to be on time in a strategic plan for creating an “anti-racist workforce.” ...

“White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that White people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions,” the document stated.

The document stated that America is rigged for the interests of white people, who get privileges, i.e., the “unquestioned and unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits and choices bestowed on people solely because they are White.”

I am wondering why they say "unearned". White created the medical school, the culture, and almost everything else. What more would be needed to earn privilege?
DiAngelo argues that many white people have a limited understanding of racism as a systemic issue and often react defensively when their racial privilege or purported unconscious biases are highlighted.

White fragility is described by the school as “feelings of discomfort a White person experiences when they witness or engage in discussions around racial inequality and injustice.”

In other words, Whites think that this is all crap.
An article from the UCLA Law Review, published in 2023, calls professionalism a “racial construct.”

“It is that the standard itself is based on a set of beliefs grounded in racial subordination and white supremacy. Through this analysis, professionalism is revealed to be a racial construct,” the article said.

And in 2020, the National Museum for African American History and Culture explained how whiteness was linked to “delayed gratification; “Objective, rational linear thinking;” “cause and effect relationships;” and “decision-making.”

I do not think that this is a joke article.


Anonymous said...

If showing up on time to work is 'racist', then I guess it's official, everyone who holds down a job is racist. The ultimate in us vs. them nonsense.

Showing up for work on time has become a hot button topic now.
If people of any color wish to survive, they are going to have to learn to turn down the dial on stupid just a tad and stop listening to people who couldn't hold down a paying job if a college didn't throw money at them.

johnd said...

I wonder what would happen if he called an ambulance and was told that the crew had not bothered to show their faces yet, and that they would be attending some time later.