Thursday, July 13, 2023

If you get blamed anyway, why apologize?

NY Times columnist David A. French writes:
If the quote was fine, in context, why apologize?
Apparently this all started with someone quoting Hitler:
“He alone who owns the youth gains the future.”
French is a Christian who had to repudiate his LGBTQ views in order to get a job at the NY Times.

I do not think that anyone is actually offended by quoting Hitler. All famous people get quoted. Jews raise issues like this just to prove that they can control what you say.

To answer his question, there is nothing wrong with quoting Hitler. But if the Jews at the NY Times say you are not allowed to quote Hitler, then it is easier to apologize than to explain it to them.

1 comment:

CFT said...

Anyone who said something can be quoted legitimately, period. The people who say you can't do that should be quoted as well for saying such rubbish. Trying to dominate a conversation by telling someone else what they are or are not allowed to say merely because their fee-fees hurt is the kind of stunt an angry little girl would pull.

So, if anyone tries this stunt (provided they are not your daughter and you are a sap),

1. Remind them they aren't your wife, girlfriend, or lover.
2. Remind them they aren't your God.
3. Remind them they aren't your boss.

4. Remind them you don't care (emotionally) about what happened to someone's distant ancestors IN THE CONTEXT of the conversation, because historically, ANYONE can go back further in time until their ancestors were the ones being savaged. Try it, literally anyone mortal can do this for tearful overdramatic effect, even those stubborn, pesky, lilly white as the driven snow Germans can go back to ancient Rome and point out their ancestors were once enslaved and butchered, you can find many a fine Roman marble statue of them dying majestically in museums, how about that.