Monday, June 11, 2018

It is now acceptable to hate men

The WashPost published this lesbian rant against men:
Why can’t we hate men?

by Suzanna Danuta Walters, a professor of sociology and director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University, is the editor of the gender studies journal Signs.

... it seems logical to hate men. ...

So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? ...

maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise ...

So men, .... Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this.
Of course today's college campuses only allow hating white Christian heterosexual men in this way.

There is no factual basis to anything she says. She complains about "women have lower rates of property ownership". Women have higher rates in much of the world, and her only source for the statement is a claim that women have a lower rate in the country of Jordan. She complains that "women have less access to education, particularly at the higher levels", but colleges today are about 55% women.

Here is a man who seems to follow her logic:
I challenge myself and fellow male Princetonians to be co-agents with our newly vocal “sisters.” We see from history that slaves acting alone could not un-enslave themselves; they required a dedicated abolitionist movement of the enslavers, namely whites. Women now require a dedicated abolitionist-like movement of men who are dedicated to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with activist women, awakening our country to the imperative of no-longer-delayed respectful treatment of women.
The man must be mentally ill.

For a contrasting view, Dalrock explains how we have already turned into a matriarchy. He is particularly disgusted by Christians, who should know better, but nevertheless badmouth men and fathers at every opportunity. He writes:
Father’s Day is a difficult day for modern Christians. While modern Christians have contempt for fathers 365 days a year, this is the day that makes the contempt for fatherhood most difficult to contain. For while the feeling of contempt for fathers (especially married fathers) is all but universal, it is also something which modern Christians still feel the need to deny.
Dalrock is right. If Christian preachers will not honor fathers, what hope is there for anyone else?

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