Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Why Modern Women File for Divorce

The NY Post reports on how modern women want to have fulfilling careers and to domesticate their husbands into doing childcare:
The ambition of millennial women has long been lauded, from their girl-power childhoods to their PhDs. Women are now the backbone of the workforce: In 2018, 74 men earned bachelor degrees for every 100 women. Some 64% of women are now bread-winners or equal earners in their households. And no wonder: They’ve grown up being told that women are able to do and be anything. ...

In other words, putting in long hours at the office doesn’t mean your husband is necessarily going to pick up the slack and wash out the baby bottles. ...

Plenty of women opt for the latter; according to a 2015 study by the American Sociological Association, women initiate 69% of divorces, and among college-educated women, it’s 90%.

The woman in the article who prioritized work over family, leading to divorce, is the granddaughter of a famous Jewish judge.

There is a stereotype of a successful man who divorces his wife to marry a trophy wife. It is actually much more common for the wife to seek divorce. Melinda Gates is a recent celebrity example.

Update: The above granddaughter, Lara Bazelon, just wrote in The Atlantic magazine:

The heart of Depp’s claim is that Heard ruined his acting career when she published a 2018 op-ed in The Washington Post describing herself as “a public figure representing domestic abuse”—a thinly veiled reference to much-publicized accusations of assault she made against Depp in court filings toward the end of their short-lived marriage. But Heard hadn’t pitched the idea to the Post—the ACLU had. Terence Dougherty, the organization’s general counsel, testified via video deposition that the ACLU had spearheaded the effort and served as Heard’s ghostwriter in exchange for her promise to donate $3.5 million to the organization. The promised donation also bought Heard the title of ACLU “ambassador on women’s rights with a focus on gender-based violence.” When Heard failed to pay up, Dougherty said, the ACLU collected $100,000 from Depp himself, and another $500,000 from a fund connected to Elon Musk, whom Heard dated after the divorce. ...

Yet in 2018, the ACLU spent $800,000 on a campaign ad for Stacey Abrams during her run for governor in Georgia and $1 million in an attack-ad campaign against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. When the Trump administration proposed in 2018 a new regulatory scheme for schools to follow in Title IX campus-sexual-assault cases that offered more protections to students defending themselves against these allegations, the ACLU responded in an angry tweet thread: “It promotes an unfair process, inappropriately favoring the accused.”

The ACLU has become just another kooky leftist racist feminist organization. It is currently active in pushing for violent criminal men to be transferred into women's prisons.

The Daily Stormer writes:

You hear these stories of mothers killing their kids basically at least once a week, just in America.

Do you know what you don’t ever hear of? Fathers killing their kids.

Instead, fathers are demonized – much worse than their mothers – for “kidnapping” their own kids after some criminal Jew “family court” (not a real thing) gives the mother custody of the kids. Maybe fathers “kidnapping” their own kids is related to the fact that mothers are constantly killing their own kids? Or turning them into trannies, thus bullying the kids into killing themselves so the mother can’t be charged?

All of this nonsense about “equality” is just nonsense. There has never been any equality. Women have a superior position in society, having carried over all of the privileges they had before they had rights and taking on no new responsibilities with their new rights, making them invincible. You cannot point out the fact that every single mother is a multiple filicide waiting to happen.

New York Post:

A Los Angeles mom has admitted to killing three of her seven children on Mother’s Day with the help of her 16-year-old son, authorities said.

If the courts have a policy of only giving children to women, they should give the children to the father’s mother – or at least the mother’s mother. No woman who cannot keep her marriage together deserves to have custody of children, in any situation. Keeping a marriage together is much, much easier than raising healthy children, so it is literally always impossible for a divorced woman to raise children.

This is literally statistical fact – and statistics are the only “science” that should ever matter when engaging in social welfare decisions.

That site exaggerates, but courts would award child custody to fathers, if they followed the statistics and social science.

Update: The Depp-Heard trial has exposed how wives use phony protective orders in court, as explained by Greg Ellis. He even tells how Joe Biden is partially to blame.

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